How to apply for Voter ID Card Online in India | apply / fill Form6 online for online VOTER ID CARD
Long gone are the days when people used to march towards their nearby schools or facilities to register for their Voter Identity card.The process of manually entering the data,taking their photographs and enrolling their names is a tiresome long process that made people to wait in queues.Added to the frustration is the fact that some names are excluded while issuing the Voter ID card.Maybe this is the reason why a lot of people are unconcerned about elections and refused to invest their time in registering for Voter ID card in the past.
Step 2:
Long gone are the days when people used to march towards their nearby schools or facilities to register for their Voter Identity card.The process of manually entering the data,taking their photographs and enrolling their names is a tiresome long process that made people to wait in queues.Added to the frustration is the fact that some names are excluded while issuing the Voter ID card.Maybe this is the reason why a lot of people are unconcerned about elections and refused to invest their time in registering for Voter ID card in the past.
Then came the E-Registration !.
The election commission takes the course of Voter id card registration and hands it over to the electors through the easy-to-fill online registration system.In order to fill the online registration form for Voters / electors in Tamilnadu,follow these steps
The election commission takes the course of Voter id card registration and hands it over to the electors through the easy-to-fill online registration system.In order to fill the online registration form for Voters / electors in Tamilnadu,follow these steps
Goto the following page would appear.Click on Online Registration Facility as circled mark indicates or directly go here and proceed step 3
Step 2:
2. Now click on the "Application for Inclusion of name in electoral roll after draft publication of roll" button. or (Form6) button.
Step 3:
- A form for inclusion of name in the Electoral roll appears ( form 6).Choose a district where you belong.For ex Kanchipuram district.The Assembly or constituency appears as a dropdown list after you select your district
- Now Enter your name.Make sure you don't keep a dot ( special symbols) after your initial.Doing so will generate invalid name error.
- Enter the same name in tamil using the tamil virtual keypad (a black keyboard icon)they provide.
- The Applicant details to apply for voter id card online in Tamilnadu requires Tamil font,if your browser doesn't support it.Usually most browser support.So don't worry
- The same procedure is followed for your surname.Surname is nothing but your family name.Enter if you have one or leave it
- Then you have to enter your age in terms of years , months as on 1st January 2014.To do that,go to this site. Enter today's date as 1 in Date 1 in Month & 2014 in Year.Enter your birth date and calculate your age in years,months.For example if i am born on 23/11/1994.My age is 19 years and 1 month as on 1st January 2014.
- In applying online voter id card,you have to enter your Gender.Your date of birth.
- Indian Voter id card online registration system also asks for your Village/Town , District , State in Both English , Tamil
- Enter your father's/mother's / husband name and enter particulars of your locality in both Tamil and English
- To upload your photo,make sure it is less than 350 KB, if your photo is heavy,compress it by converting to JPEG format.After you upload,click on Show button,your photo will appear in small size.
- If you have any member applicants in your family who hold the voter id card already,enter the details
- Finally fill the declaration form & verification code and submit.Make sure you mention the date which mentions whence you have been living in the provided address.
After you submit it,an Application number will be generated keep it safe. - Check the status of your application by going to
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