Thursday 27 June 2013


          In order to obtain notes and study materials visit here.In this page i've listed out some of the important questions in PH2111.

           The Engineering Physics 1 (PH2111) Important questions , PH2111 question papers are linked in here.Physics in first year has two parts Engineering Physics 1 and Engineering Physics 2.(You can check out the PH2161 Engineering Physics 2 notes in the second semester link here) .Anyway,this subject is an easy one and has less derivations compared to Engineering Physics 2.So i have updated this post with the important questions directly and the downloads linked to the corresponding units
NOTE : The questions that i uploaded have been repeatedly asked in the Question papers

Unit 1 : Ultrasonics


  1. What is magnetostriction effect ?
  2. Outline the industrial applications of ultrasonics ?
  3. What is piezo electric effect ?
  4. What is inverse piezo electric effect ?
  5. Give the principle of piezo electric method of producing ultrasonics
  6. What are the methods to detect ultrasonic sound ?
  7. What are the properties of ultrasonics ?
  8. Medical Applications of ultrasonic waves ?
  9. What are the industrial applications of ultrasonicz?


  1. Explain Magnetostriction oscillator.
  2. Explain piezo electric effect.Describe the piezo electric method of producing ultrasonic waves
  3. Detection of ultrasonic waves
  4. What are the method to produce ultrasonics ?
  5. Explain the industrial applications of ultrasonics.

UNIT 2 : Lasers

Part - A

  1. What is stimulated emission ?
  2. Distinguish between spontaneous and stimulated emission
  3. What is population inversion and how is it achieved ?
  4. Pumping action
  5. Difference between ordinary light and laser light
  6. Characteristics of Laser. ?
  7. Active material in laser ?
  8. Uses of laser in industries and medicine.
  9. what is Hologram ?
  10. How would you record a Hologram ?
  11. Distinguish Photography from Holography.

Part B:

  1. Explain Nd - YAG Laser.
  2. Explain CO2  Laser.
  3. Explain Semiconductor Laser.
  4. Explain He-Ne laser.what are its merits and demerits ?
  5. Explain the process of construction and re construction of Holograms
  6. Explain various vibrational modes of Co2 Molecule.Explain the working of the Co2 laser.
  7. Classify lasers on basis of active medium and give an example for each.

Unit 3 :  Fibre Optics & Applications

  1. What is Acceptance angle ?
  2. What is numerical aperture ?
  3. What are the types of optical fibres ?
  4. Differential single mode from multi mode fiber.
  5. Applications of optical fibre as sensors
  6. What is a Temperature sensor ?
  7. Mention few fibre optic light sources.
  8. Types of detectors used in fibre optic communication
  9. Mention few photodetectors
  10. What are the losses in optical fibre ?
  11. What is the principle of fibre optics ?

Part B

  1. Explain the various types of optical fibres
  2. Explain the propagation of light through the optical fibre and the applications of fibre as wave guide and sensor
  3. Discuss the various types of optical fibres
  4. Expression for numerical aperture and acceptance angle in optical fibres
  5. Explain the working of optical fibre as sensor of displacement and temperature
  6. Write a note on splicing of optical fibres
  7. Explain fibre optic communication with block diagram

Unit 4 : Quantum Physics

  1. What is Planck's hypothesis ?
  2. Write the planck's relation formula
  3. What are the Schroedinger's time dependent and time independent wave equations (with symbols) ?
  4. What is the physical significance of the wave function ?
  5. What is Planck's radiation law  ?
  6. What is compton's wavelength ?
  7. What are eigen values and eigen functions ?
  8. Expression of change in wavelength of a scattered X-Ray Photon

Part B

  1. Explain Planck's quantum hypothesis
  2. Derive Planck's radiation law
  3. Derive Planck's law for black body radiation and hence deduce Wien's law and Rayleigh Jean's law
  4. Define compton effect and derive an expression for the wavelength of the scattered photon
  5. Derive the time independent schroedinger equation in one dimensional case.Use it to prove that a particle enclosed in a one dimensional box has quantised Energy values

Unit 5 : Crystal Physics

Part A

  1. What is a space Lattice ?
  2. What is a unit cell ?
  3. What are bravais lattices ?
  4. Define Coordination number
  5. Define Atomic Packing factor
  6. What are miller indices
  7. Give the relationship between interplanar distances and cubic structure
  8. Sketch the 100 110 & 111 planes of the simple cubic structure.
  9. Name the seven crystal systems
  10. Give the number of atoms in unit cells in SC , BCC , FCC and HCP structures
  11. What is atomic radius
  12. Give the atomic packing factors for unit cells in SC , BCC , FCC and HCP structures
  13. What is allotropy ?
  14. Define Graphite structure with an example.
  15. Crystal Defects  ?
  16. What is point defect ?
  17. What is line defect ?
  18. What is surface defect ?
  19. Burger vector ?

Part - B

  1. Define 'Atomic radius' and packing factor.Calculate the above for the SC , BCC and FCC structure
  2. Calculate the number of atoms per unit cell,co ordination number and packing factor for the FCC and BCC structures
  3. Describe the structure of the HCP crystal.Provide the details about its atomic radius,atomic packing factor and axial ratio
  4. What is a packing factor ? Prove that the packing factor of the HCP is 0.74 (74 % )
  5. Show that the atomic packing factor of FCC and HCP are the same
  6. What are Miller indices.Explain how they are determined.
  7. What are miller indices.Sketch two successive 110 planes.Show that for a cubic lattice the distance between two successive plane (h , k , l ) is given by 

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